Microsurgical Varicocelectomy

Varicocele Causes

Varicocele is one of the leading causes of infertility that can be detected in men. Briefly, it can be defined as the varicose veins of the blood vessels carrying the dirty blood in the test. The testicles lose their ability to produce sperm at 36.5 degrees, which is body temperature. For this reason, they are located in a separate bag from the body. They can maintain their sperm production functions by being positioned in an environment cooler than their body temperature. However, in the case of varicocele, the warm blood in the body escapes back to the testis, increasing the temperature of the testis. This can cause damage to the testis and impair sperm parameters. It is more common on the left, especially since the left testicular veins open to the left kidney veins. Although it is rarely seen bilaterally, it is almost never seen in the right testis alone.

Varicocele Grades

Varicocele is usually detected during the physical examination of the infertile man. In some advanced cases, patients themselves may notice increased vascularity. Besides the physical examination, the diagnosis can also be made by color Doppler USG. Varicoceles are graded by weight:

Grade 1: Cases that cannot be detected in physical examination but diagnosed ultrasonographically.
Grade 2: Cases that are palpable during straining on physical examination.
Grade 3: These are varicocele cases that can be detected visually.

What tests are done after the diagnosis of varicocele?

Varicocele Surgery Necessary?

Varicocele is seen quite frequently in the society. Every detected varicocele does not cause deterioration in sperm test and testicular damage. Therefore, not every varicocele needs to be operated.Factors such as the age of the patient and the degree of varicocele are very important in this regard. Almost all varicoceles that do not cause pain can be followed up in patients who have completed the child request. However, the surgical decision is made by considering factors such as severe pain, infertility, deterioration in testicular consistency, decrease in testicular volume, deterioration in sperm parameters and deterioration in blood values.

Varicocele Natural Treatment

There is no herbal solution in the treatment of varicocele. In addition, it is not possible to restore the damaged veins with medical treatments. Although improvement in sperm parameters is achieved with some antioxidant treatments, this is temporary.

Varicocele Microsurgery Turkey

The aim of the treatment of varicocele is to connect the varicose veins and to protect the arteries and sperm channels. In the micro varicocelectomy method, invisible veins can be detected and ligated. This reduces the probability of recurrence, which is 30% in the standard technique, up to 3%. It also minimizes complications that may occur after surgery. 

Varicocelectomy Risks

All these complications can be prevented by microsurgical technique.

Can IVF Treatment Be Done Instead of Varicocele Surgery?

Varicocele surgery and IVF treatment are completely different from each other and it is not possible to compare them. IVF treatment is not the solution to varicocele. In fact, this is like comparing apples and pears. Micro varicocelectomy provides correction of sperm parameters by removing the deterioration in the vessels. In addition, it will increase the quality of sperm and increase the success of IVF. Therefore, IVF is not an alternative to microsurgery.

Will my sperm return to normal after micro varicocelectomy?

This question can be answered according to the damage to the testicles. If the damage is not too great, varicocelectomy will improve sperm quality. While it increases sperm motility in the vast majority of patients, it completely normalizes it in about half of the patients.

Varicocele Treatment Cost in Turkey 

The price may vary depending on the material used, the hospital where the operation is performed, and the surgeon. The price may increase as the surgeon's experience increases. It should not be forgotten that although the price is high in surgical procedures of andrology specialists, the success also increases.
